Like you I get a lot of email newsletters on variety of business and legal issues every day, much of it negative or scary . Most of them are unremarkable and get skimmed and deleted quickly. Every once in a while you get a gem, a good reminder of something you should be doing or thinking or striving toward. Nate Hagerty sent me one of those this AM and he gave me permission to share it here.
The business leaders I have been privileged to work with in different ways are very tough and very smart. The best among that group are also acutely aware of a sense of responsibility and the role they play as leaders of their families, employees and even their communities at large. Nate reminds us of some those issues here and what we all must do to get our country and our futures back on track. See more about Nate and what he does at the end of the article. – Ike Devji