Business Owners and Managers CAN Influence the World for the Better – Choose To Do So

Like you I get a lot of email newsletters on variety of business and legal issues every day, much of it negative or scary . Most of them are unremarkable and get skimmed and deleted quickly. Every once in a while you get a gem, a good reminder of something you should be doing or thinking or striving toward. Nate Hagerty sent me one of those this AM and he gave me permission to share it here. 

The business leaders I have been privileged to work with in different ways are very tough and very smart. The best among that group are also acutely aware of a sense of responsibility and the role they play as leaders of their families, employees and even their communities at large. Nate reminds us of some those issues here and what we all must do to get our country and our futures back on track. See more about Nate and what he does at the end of the article. – Ike Devji


You’re vastly more important — and powerful — than you think you are.

I was pointed to a great film recently, by my friend Perry Marshall, called
the Miracle of Pittron. It’s about a Piitsburgh metal foundry plant manager
named Wayne Alderson, who said: “People who own and manage companies
have huge potential to influence the world for the better.

“Why aren’t they using it?”

Especially during tax season, it’s likely that you are forgetting how powerful
what you are doing really is.

Because it’s NOT about filling out a bunch of tax forms.

Let me remind you of a few things…

* For most people, their $1300 mortgage is a big deal. You face a $13,000
or $130,000 monthly payroll. You might as well be bench pressing 800 pounds
for all they know. But you do it, month in, month out.

* Everyone else is brooding about problems, scandals and financial armageddon.
You get to shine your spotlight on what people CAN do, what IS possible, the
ingenuity which solves our problems.

* The media is chock-full of complainers, psycopaths and Cassandras. YOU,
on the other hand, live in a world of opportunity and expansion. People respect
and listen to you (whether you realize it or not) — because you’ve earned it, and
because they see that you’ve gone farther than most any of them have.

* You are a beacon of hope to hundreds of families and other business owners —
and not just because you take painful work off their hands, but because you
can be the only person in their corner who is saying: “YES. You really can
do this” with the authority of somebody who actually knows their intimate financial

* Your income is solely determined by YOU, and the actions you do (or don’t) take.
Most people live by the drips and drabs of other people’s bounty … but not you,
You are able to take quantum leaps and pour resources into others, into
causes and into your family, simply because of the choices you make.

So stand tall. Keep the long game in perspective, even now
when the bullets are flying.

Because who else in your circle will?

See more about Nate Hagerty and the good work he does with Financial, Legal and Accounting Professionals Here: or see more about Nate on Linked-in:

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